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Missed Class Policy

At Nurturing Nannies we strive to be as accommodating as possible however we do have a few simple rules with regards to classes that we would appreciate parents abide by in order to allow for makeup classes to take place. We do cater per child per day and therefore would be most appreciative if you could let us know ahead of time if your little one is unable to attend their class that week.


  • All makeup classes need to be made up in the term that they are missed. Please do not leave your makeup class for the last week of term as it is normally a very busy week and often cannot accommodate makeup classes.

  • Classes are forfeited for no shows and makeup classes will then not be possible. If we have not been notified of your child’s absence ahead of their class, we are unable to offer the place for another child to makeup a class - thank you for understanding.

  • A maximum of 2 makeup classes per term are allowed

  • Please do not send your little one to a makeup class without receiving confirmation from your teacher that they can join a makeup class that day. 

  • Please email or send a message to your class teacher to let us know of your absence or to schedule a makeup class.

  • We cannot make up a makeup class.

  • Refunds/credits are not possible. Makeup classes are based on availability.

  • Holiday Club and Popup Classes - strictly no makeup classes are possible.

  • We are cognisant of our class size and numbers. We often can only schedule a makeup class if another child has cancelled their class. Please be patient if we can only commit to your requested makeup class day on the evening before a class/ morning of the makeup class. We will of course do our best to give you as much time as we can so that you can plan ahead.


We thank you for your understanding in this regard and we will always do our best to accommodate your requests and assist you in scheduling makeup classes.

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